Weight loss is not as hard as you may think and involves an increase in your cardiac output, however not to an intense level. It also involes a calorie controlled diet plan which needs to be adhered to. Weight gain is totally different and is usually aimed towards clients wanting to increse muscle mass. We use techniques which help the growth of muscle and the recovery process to ensure gradual growth is achieved.
ExploreAchieving overall health and fitness requires a consistent mindset towards your training regime and your diet. We work together to ensure that you stay consistent and introduce you to variety of workouts to keep your body guessing and adapting to each challenge.
ExploreIf running is something you want to improve then there are many techniques we can utilise to help you on your journey towards achieving this. As an elite runner I can train you for 5k's, 10k's, half marathons and full marathons and for the exceptional athletes, endurance marathons.
ExploreOptimal fitness is often achieved when you set a challenge for yourself. It provides purpose, specifics and timeframes that drive you during training. We can set realistic challenges for you which may provides the motivation you need to follow through week in, week out.
ExploreCrossfit training encompasses a variety of functional training methods which we compile together to work all muscle groups within a timed environment. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprint interval training (SIT), is an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods.